Litter "K" from Sig and Beretta
4 puppies: 1 males and 3 females
Important dates:
Puppies were born 06/30/2023
Puppy Saturday visitations start 07/29/23
DO NOT BRING ANY DOGS WITH YOU FOR VISIT (we didn’t think we have to mention it, but here we are)
Puppies picks will be starting 08/12/23, you will be able to make your choice in person or from pictures
Puppies can be picked up starting 08/26/23
Puppies registered names for this litter will be starting with "K". All puppies will have kennel name before their name and then the name you want to give them starting with a V. Registered name can be one or more than one word, a catchy phrase or a message. Registered name also does not have to be the puppy's call name, you can call them anything you want. Registered name is being used on AKC paperwork and you will need if if you participate in any dog sport events.
Blue Sage's Knight of darkness
kennel name chosen name starting with a K
4 puppies: 1 males and 3 females
Important dates:
Puppies were born 06/30/2023
Puppy Saturday visitations start 07/29/23
DO NOT BRING ANY DOGS WITH YOU FOR VISIT (we didn’t think we have to mention it, but here we are)
Puppies picks will be starting 08/12/23, you will be able to make your choice in person or from pictures
Puppies can be picked up starting 08/26/23
Puppies registered names for this litter will be starting with "K". All puppies will have kennel name before their name and then the name you want to give them starting with a V. Registered name can be one or more than one word, a catchy phrase or a message. Registered name also does not have to be the puppy's call name, you can call them anything you want. Registered name is being used on AKC paperwork and you will need if if you participate in any dog sport events.
Blue Sage's Knight of darkness
kennel name chosen name starting with a K
Blue male
Red female
Pink female
Green female